Robotic gap and flush measurement system Calipri CB20

CALIPRI CB20 is a robotic gap and flush measurement system that can be fully integrated into the production line and is used for 100% inspection of car bodies. The system can be installed at standard industrial robots as well as with e.g. HRC lightweight robots - a perfect solution for body-in-white production lines or final assembly.

With this non-contact measuring system, any gap profiles and body contours are measured completely and precisely, and all relevant gap dimensions are evaluated as required.

The secret of this multifunctional and precise optical measuring system lies not only in the 3 laser lines, which are an essential part of the CALIPRI principle, but also in its expandability.

This measuring device can be purchased in various expansion stages.

- CaliBreeze

CALIPRI CB20 with the CaliBreeze add-on features the new patented and ground-breaking technology, which enables the measurement of profiles on previously unmeasurable surfaces: transparent materials such as glass or plastic, but also any painted surfaces or highly reflective chrome parts can be measured without any problems. In short, any surface can be measured with this technology especially in final assembly lines. 


Another additional option is VEPOSE, which enables vehicle position detection either on the moving belt or in a static position. The pose of the vehicle is measured in an instant and handed over to the robot system to adjust its robot movements accordingly. 

With these additional options CaliBreeze and VEPOSE for the CALIPRI CB20, there are no limitations for your inline or near line flush and gap measurement applications in the automotive industry.

Dimensions(without robot flange): 255.6 x 156.1 x 220 mm (W x D x H)

Weight(concerns CALIPRI CB20 with the CaliBreeze add-on): 4,120 g

Measuring area:

- Distance to object: TCP ±25 mm

- lateral measuring area (at TCP): ±25 mm

Measurement time / measurement point:

- 1.0 s measuring time per measuring point (average) + 0.5 s breeze time per meas. point prior measurement (where applicable)9

Accuracy: < ±20 μm

Repeatability: < ±10 μm

CaliBreeze layer thickness: 2.5 μm

Water consumption / measurement point: ~ 100 μl


- Blue 450 nm, class 2M

- Blue 405 nm, class 2M

Technology: Laser light section, Factory calibrated with temperature compensation with automatic tilt and rotation correction (patented CALIPRI principle)

Protection rating: IP54

Temperature range:

 - Operation: 10 – 40 °C (rH < 50 %) / +45 °C (rH >70 %)

 - Storage: 0 – 65 °C

Humidity range:

 - Operation: 20 – 80 %, non-condensing

 - Storage: 8 – 90 %, non-condensing

Environmental conditions: Air flow must be prevented

Conformity: CE

Housing: Aluminum

CB20 with Calibreeze

VPOSE add-on